图片来源:Kris Qua
- 238 毕业生总数: 290 授予学位
- 128 博士学位, 114 学士, 32 硕士和 16 授予双学士/硕士学位
- 学生来自 12 国家, 21 状态, 一个 U.S. 领土(波多黎各)
- 22-54 -学生年龄
- 10% (26名学生)将留在ACPHS继续攻读学位
马克Shaefer,药学博士,FCCP担任了2024年毕业典礼的演讲者. 谢弗是艾滋病毒和抗病毒药物领域的资深人士. 他是最早的成员之一,并帮助指导了 欢悦医疗. 他丰富的药学经验与临床药学专业知识相辅相成, 教学, 和研究.
“我们非常高兴地欢迎. Shaefer as our 2024 毕业典礼 speaker,” said Toyin Tofade, Professor and President, ACPHS. “His breadth of education and professional experiences in pharmacy and notably HIV research and pharmaceuticals will truly inspire our graduates – the future leaders of the health care field.”
Shaefer’s pharmaceutical career in HIV and anti-virals began at Burroughs Wellcome where he worked on acyclovir and valaciclovir, 然后转到葛兰素威康公司监督艾滋病毒临床试验. 他晋升到葛兰素史克, where his expertise over the next nine years led him to more senior roles including group director and acting vice president. 在葛兰素史克, 谢弗促进了兼并整合活动,后来, 作为代理副总统, 他领导了美国艾滋病项目, 共同主持了美国商业战略小组, 并在北美医疗执行团队中代表艾滋病利益.
2009年,谢弗离开葛兰素史克,在欢悦医疗成立期间加入该公司. 在那里,他领导了针对HIV的长效注射整合酶化合物的开发工作, 为公司上市做准备, 成为ViiV的三位医疗事务主管之一. 在最初的职位上工作了五年之后, 他晋升为Cabotegravir的全球医学主管, 一种治疗和预防艾滋病毒的长效注射药物. 他在新冠疫情开始时短暂退休,但后来又回到恒瑞工作, a large Chinese Pharmaceutical company and helped to launch Luzsana Biotechnology in the US. 在那里,他是抗病毒药物部门的负责人,并在投资组合的非肿瘤学部分工作. 他于2022年8月离开卢萨纳,开始从事独立咨询工作.
Shafer has also held academic appointments as assistant and associate professor at the University of Nebraska, is widely published with more than 75 peer-reviewed publications and is valued as a reviewer for multiple industry journals.
He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in 生物学 from the University of California at San Diego and earned a PharmD from the University of California at San Francisco. Shaefer completed a clinical pharmacy residency at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Charles “Chuck” Middleton graduated from 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 with a doctorate in pharmacy and a Bachelor of Science in 医药科学 on the Pharmacy Skills Track. He held multiple leadership positions while at ACPHS including a three-year tenure as captain of the men's soccer team, 美国卫生系统药剂师协会(ASHSP)校园分会主席, 兼任ACPHS学生运动员咨询委员会副主席. 毕业后, Chuck will pursue a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the Syracuse VA Medical Center in Syracuse, NY.
Del Vecchio是MVP Health Care的总裁兼首席执行官. 作为一名医疗保健主管, he is a catalyst for innovation and systemic change and works tirelessly to make patients' lives easier and better.
在加入MVP之前, he served in chief executive officer roles for health care organizations for nearly 30 years. 他是一位极富远见的战略家, Del Vecchio also had a successful career as an entrepreneur and consultant in health care and technology.
在他的指导下, MVP has gained recognition for leading impactful regional community coalitions and a commitment to collaborative problem-solving. From securing naming rights to the MVP Arena to constructing Fitness Courts throughout New York State, 他体现了MVP坚定不移地致力于以客户为中心的服务.
Del Vecchio holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Pharmacy from ACPHS and an MBA in health systems from Union College.
前ACPHS董事会受托人. 德怀尔是纽约约翰逊市UHS医院系统的药房系统主任.
她目前是美国卫生系统药剂师协会的候任主席, 美国最大的药学专业人员协会. 之后她将担任一年的总统和一年的前总统.
Dr. Dwyer began her career as a clinical specialist in HIV and infectious disease at SUNY Stony Brook and has worked in various areas of pharmacy practice, 包括制药行业, 在过去的20年里大部分时间都在药房担任领导职务.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy from 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院 and her 药学博士 degree from St. 约翰的大学.
更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台博士的信息. 布里斯科-德怀尔,读她的 ASHP详细介绍.
Most recently, Duteau served in senior leadership roles with Teva Pharmaceuticals and Novopharm Ltd. 在加拿大多伦多.
他在纽约Rouses Point的Ayerst实验室开始了他的制药生涯. 正是在那里,杜多与ACPHS校友合作, 大卫·福克斯58年, 来支持Advil的生产工艺开发. He also worked part-time for many retail pharmacies in NY and VT and ultimately purchased a pharmacy in Port Henry New York, 他维持了很多年吗.
他在制药行业的职业生涯中, he became acutely aware that the research and manufacturing areas lacked the necessary pharmacists to perform the required work. This led to discussions with the deans and presidents of ACPHS to institute a pharmaceutical sciences curriculum to provide pharmacists for the pharmaceutical industry. This collaboration eventually became the foundation for both a BS and MS in 医药科学 at the College.
制药专业的学生 摩根嘉宝这位自学成才的面包师为总统就职典礼制作了蛋糕. Her side hustle was a semi-secret on campus until the event and Panthers got a taste of her work.
ACPHS students can complete a clinical rotation in Tokyo through an agreement with Showa University. 由于2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)而中断四年后,该轮轮换已恢复. 海东·Tsutsui和Atalya Morgan 首批两名ACPHS药房学生是否已于2023年5月返回日本. Tsutsui打算将来在日本当一名药剂师. The students compared differences in the countries' health systems and expressed concern over the higher out-of-pocket costs in the American health system. 这个机会可以让你在不同的文化环境中获得专业成长.
在8月份发布的PharmZ播客中, 奥斯汀·勒沃克和迪伦·纳普 banter about life as Gen-Zers going through pharmacy school and contemplating their futures.
在500多个旋转中 PharmD学生 可以在当地的大麻药房选一个吗. ACPHS可能是纽约第一个提供这种轮转的机构, 哪一项允许崭露头角的药剂师在他们的执照上执业.
第一幕:舞台变暗这件事发生在一天漫长排练的最后一场. Gianna佛朗哥 was in 11th grade at Talent Unlimited High School in Manhattan and part of the teen ensemble of the Paul Taylor Dance Company. 作为一名追求自己职业的天才,她从未想过下一步该怎么走.
当他获得宾州接力赛的参赛资格时, 瑞安哈克 24队从没想过能打进决赛. But his best race ever left him with a decision: compete at an elite national level for himself, 或者和他的球队一起赢得USCAA的胜利?
Shloka Suresh Sahetya 来自一个药剂师家庭. 她选择ACPHS进行自己的药学教育,以体验印度本土以外的生活, 在紧密团结的校园的支持下. 她建立了牢固的友谊,并支持DEI的努力.
P4的学生 埃利斯施麦尔 通过参与校园活动,他发现了自己的职业道路. He shares his thoughts on the value of going all in, once you find the groups that are best for you. “你的选择成就了你,”他说.
布兰妮Mbeng 21岁,药学学士学位, 辅修公共卫生, 她正在攻读药学博士学位. 她在巴西长大, 然后参加了ACPHS的药学项目,但不确定是否适合她. 过去一年里, she has discovered she can merge the field with her passion for serving the community and for communicating to help others.
萨曼莎马里昂 是药学专业的大四学生吗, 住宿助理, 他是田径队的投掷手,也是Phi Delta Chi药房兄弟会的副主席. 她分享了她通过参加希腊生活学到的东西.
Desirea Harder-Neely 带着两个学士学位来到ACPHS, 想帮她申请医学院. 她找到了一个支持她的社区,也找到了一个可以在未来几年称之为家的地方.
虽然他最初来ACPHS是为了准备上医学院, Jonathan will receive his bachelor's degree in public health in May and will continue with a master's in that field. 学习如何 他在这里的经历巩固了他对公共卫生的承诺.
硕士学生 兰德勒·汤普森 '24 '花了四年时间致力于寻找治愈艾滋病的新途径. 他认真对待这项工作的潜在影响, 问自己, “如果我只贡献一小步呢??"
查尔斯(查克)米德尔顿 是2024届药学博士候选人吗. 在ACPHS工作的六年里, 他当男子足球队队长已经三年了, president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists’ campus chapter and vice president of the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. After graduation, he will be a pharmacy resident at the VA Medical Center in Syracuse, New York.